Posts Tagged ‘GTA 5’

It’s been a while since I posted anything on this blog, so I figured I would add something that can easily be debated, trashed, sought after, recognized, hoped for, and many other things.

With the 2013 year approaching it’s half-way mark, and with the two main consoles being revealed earlier this year (PS4 and Xbox One), it is safe to say that LOTS of people are excited about this Holiday season for games, consoles and tons of other features. – I am still on the fence about which console to get. I’ve been an Xbox fan for the entire 360 generation, but it looks like I may be switching back to Playstation this year with the PS4 release.

Rockstar Games

Rockstar GamesMany people have been awaiting the release of the next game in the Grand Theft Auto series (GTA V) later this year from Rockstar Games. It’s still going to be Grand Theft Auto style, but greatly improved. There is going to be a ton of features, missions, side missions, action, killing, vehicles, drugs, cursing and hell raising. Who wouldn’t like this game??? I’ve got it pre-ordered, which will be played on my new console. It’s worth checking out the videos on Rockstar Games’ YouTube Channel.

Rockstar has a lot more up their sleeves as well. They just aren’t letting any of it slip to keep us gamers in constant anticipation. Especially when it comes to a new release in the Red Dead series! I speak for many when I say we are dying to see a possible prequel to Red Dead Revolver and Red Dead Redemption. Another Game Of The Year hit like Redemption on the new consoles would be astonishingly amazing. I’ve tried getting a rouse out of Rockstar concerning the Red Dead series, but, as I figured, I received no bites or recognition because of their secrecy.


UbisoftThe teams at Ubisoft have really been impressing me this year as well. There are two games that they are releasing this year that I have pre-ordered as well. One would be the exciting, seamless Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag with it’s awesome graphics and background story. It’s always fun scaling buildings, performing stealthy assassinations and who wouldn’t want to go whaling?! This will be one awesome game and you should watch the videos on Ubisoft’s YouTube Channel.

The other game I’m excited about from Ubisoft is WATCH_DOGS. Another very beautifully put together story line with awesome graphics and interesting gameplay. You are Aiden Pearce and can hack pretty much anything in the city of Chicago using, what resembles an iPhone closely, your mobile device through the city’s ctOS. From causing cell service to drop around you, to changing traffic lights causing an accident, to stopping a monorail so you can board it, this game is going to be really exciting. Plus, did I mention, it looks amazing? Check it out on YouTube.

In Closing

I will say again, this will be a very exciting year for games, consoles, gamers and home entertainment. Be sure to keep yourself updated on the new consoles via E3 which will be on June 10th, 2013!